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Ontario Chief Prevention Officer Releases New JHSC Certification Standard
The Ministry of Labour is anticipating that the Chief Prevention Officer will establish new requirements that will require all JHSC certified members take refresher training within three years of certification to maintain certification status.
In addition, the Ministry of Labour has released its new "JHSC Certification Standards" which will come in effect early 2015.
The purpose of the standards is to promote high quality and consistent training of certified members in Ontario. The 2014 standards and certification requirements would include:
- Part One training that would be generic to all workplaces where certified JHSC members are required, regardless of sector, and would have to be taken from an approved training provider
- Part Two training would be sector-specific and would be formalized with approved training programs taken from approved training providers.
The 2014 standards were initially developed by the Certification Review Committee (CRC), led by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).
In the meantime, the existing Certification Standards for the JHSC remain in effect.
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