In our previous newsletter "High Impact WSIB Claims" we provided readers with WSIB injury statistics. Since that time, we have received additional requests for similar information.
The following information is excerpted from WSIB statistical report 2011, which is the most current publicly available information.
Since 2002, the number of registered claims has decreased by 39% while the number of employers and employment has increased, resulting in considerable improvements for workers and employers. There are more injuries being prevented and fewer claims entering the system than in prior years, relative to the number of workers employed.
Allowed lost time claims by industry sector.
When comparing 2011 to 2002, there has been a consistent decrease in the amount of lost-time claims across all industry sectors. The lost time claims distribution among the industry sectors remains fairly consistent over the past 10 years with Construction, Health Care, Manufacturing, Services and Transportation sectors making up more than 80% of all Schedule 1 lost time claims in 2011.

Allowed lost time claims receiving loss of earnings (LOE) benefits and average days lost.
Loss of Earnings (LOE) benefits is the wage loss benefits for time lost from work due to a work related injury or illness occurring subsequent to 1998. The average days lost is the average number of benefit days lost for which LOE benefits were paid. Improved recovery and return to work outcomes will be reflected in both of these measures.
The bar graphs below illustrate the percentage of claims receiving LOE benefits at one, three and six months post injury or illness. Each bar is split by level of LOE benefits - full vs. partial. From 2002 to 2008, the percentage of claims for benefits (in all three graphs) are steady or trending slightly upwards indicating more workers remained on LOE benefits. Over the past three years, there has been a shift in claims durations to levels lower than those in 2002. The most significant decrease is evident six months from the date of injury from 11.5% in 2008 to 7.2% in 2011.
Upon further analysis of all three graphs, it can be seen that the overall improvement is due to the decrease in the percentage of claims receiving full LOE benefits. The percentage of claims receiving partial LOE benefits is increasing slightly, indicating more workers are returning to modified work.
The line graphs illustrate the average days lost within the first, three and six months post injury or illness. The trends are similar to the LOE trends; the average days lost was steady or increased slightly from 2002 to 2008 but has decreased in the past three years.
Percentage of lost time claims receiving loss of earnings (LOE) benefits at one month and average days lost within one month by injury/illness year.
Percentage of lost time claims receiving loss of earnings (LOE) benefits at three months and average days lost within three months by injury/illness year.
Percentage of lost time claims receiving loss of earnings (LOE) benefits at six months and average days lost within six months by injury/illness year.
Traumatic fatalities.
Traumatic Fatalities are allowed claims for workers who died of a work-related traumatic incident. In 2011, 71 individuals lost their lives due to a workplace fatality. Over the past 10 years, from 2002 to 2011, more than 90% of all traumatic fatalities have occurred among males with the predominant age group being 45 to 49. During this period, three industry sectors Construction, Transportation and Services accounted for more than 60% of these tragic workplace incidents. A significant cause of traumatic fatalities continues to be Motor Vehicle Incidents, as they accounted for more than 35% of these deaths over the 10 year period.
Over the 10 year period, from 2002 to 2011, the following age groups, industry sectors, events and gender accounted for the highest traumatic fatality percentages.
- Age Groups: 45-49 (13.6%), 35-39 (11.3%), 50-54 (11.0%), 55-59 (11.0%), 40-44 (10.7%)
- Industry Sectors: Construction (26.3%), Transportation (25.9%), Services (13.4%)
- Events: Motor Vehicle Incidents (38.7%), Falls (17.4%), Struck By/Caught in Objects (11.7%)
- Gender: Males (92.2%)

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